The Arcane School

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Photograph of Alice Bailey

After leaving the Temple of the People at the end of 1922, Wolff’s first wife Sarah became interested in the work of Alice Bailey, who Sarah had come to know when Bailey was a member of the Theosophical group at Krotona—which at that time was located in Hollywood. In 1923, Sarah went to New York to work with Bailey, but after a chance meeting with Inayat Khan, she left New York to escort the Murshid and his party to California.

There several of Bailey’s books in the Merrell-Wolff Library that were inscribed to Sarah in 1922. In Letters on Occult Meditation (New York: Lucifer Publishing, 1922), Bailey penned “To Sarah, with love”; the copy of Initiation, Human and Solar (New York: Lucifer Publishing Company, 1922) has this note: “To ‘S’ and ‘A,’ Staunch Warriors of the Light and Faithful servants of the Hierarchic, as a token of my love and respect for your unflinching devotion to the Master’s Cause, and as an indication of my moral and spiritual support in your noble stand on behalf of Justice, Right and Truth. With the Master’s Strength and Benevolence, Your Comrade on the Path, E. A. B.” The Merrell-Wolff Library contains about ten of Bailey’s books, and she and Sarah apparently corresponded for quite a number of years.

Shown here is an autographed photo that Bailey gave to Sarah, inscribed with the message, “Affectionately Yours, Alice A. Bailey.”

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